Friday 17 December 2010

Cooking Supplement

When we got to pick the title out of the hat and I got cooking I almost fell off my seat. I am an avid enthusiast. I love cooking, watching people cook and eating! The title of the magazine is Excite. How do I make cooking exciting for an 18-32 age group? sells, sex excites....We had to produce 3 spreads, a masthead and cover design. I am really pleased with the results. The twist on the project was that we had been paired up with a second year photographer in the college to take our images. I was extremely lucky with my pairing and got Annabel Farquharson.She worked really well with me, knew what I wanted and together I think we have put together something awesome.

Final Stamps

*continued but I have went for a posterized look for my stamps, I think they work well but Ronnie is Absolutely Fabulous! Yehh! 

Friday 26 November 2010


We were given a one day project for the RSA to create stamps that celebrate the influence of British fashion in a visually exciting way that is a joy to use on post.
The awards of winning this contest are immense, £5000 cash awards, a £2500 internship at Lewis Moberly and/or Pentagram for 12 weeks. 

My idea was to iconise british stars that always wear dark glasses that have become so fashionable across the world recently. These iconic figures include Gok Wan, Vic Reeves, Ronnie Corbett and Alan Carr. 

They didn't make them famous but they pull them off so well (and have done for years) and they are British! 

These are a first draft, theses more to come!!!

Saturday 23 October 2010

Easter Egg

Our Easter Egg project was to say something to someone.

I said 'One Life Stand' to my boyfriend. It is barely there because he knows it.

A Book Jacket

This was an NHS book cover we were given as a project last year. This was my favourite out of the two we had to create. Very Paul Rand I thought to myself afterwards.